1) Catalogues used for this auction sale are Unitrade Canada 2024 Specialized for Canada and Provinces. Scott International Volumes 1-6, 2021 Edition, 2023 Scott Specialized Catalogue of Stamps And Covers NH PREMIUMS ARE ADDED TO CATALOGUE AS PER METHODS DESCRIBED IN THE VARIOUS CATALOGUES Our customers who do not have access to the 2024 Unitrade Canada Specialized, or are not familiar with the numbering system, may purchase a copy of the spiral bound edition from us for $75 CDN or $55 US, excluding postage (and GST or HST in Canada). Other catalogues used are: The Standard Canada Precancel Catalogue – 8th Edition; Webb Catalogue of Canadian Postal Stationery; Ken Rose's Canadian Tagging Errors; BK = Bridger & Kay; AAMC = American Air Mail Catalogue, 5th Edition 1981; D/S = Day & Smythies (Canadian Fancy Cancellations 1983); Barefoot 1984; Canadian Revenue Stamp Cat. (Van Dam); H/G = Higgins & Gage Postal Stationery Cat., Dave Lacelle Fancy Cancels of Canada, 2000 ed. 2) Major Terms & Abbreviations ** = mint, never hinged * = mint, hinged or unused o = used unused = mint no gum alb/adh = album adhesion bklt/BK = booklet blk/BLK = block B/S = backstamp C = Colour Photo CDS = circular date stamp CTO = cancelled to order crn = corner cert = certified coll = collection cvr = cover DG = damaged gum E = estimated Cat Val EFO = error, freak, or oddity FDC = first day cover FFC = first flight cover GP = gutter pair H = hinged incl = including HR = hinge remnant H/S = handstamp LH = lightly hinged LL = lower left LR = lower right lt = light mk = mark MS = matched set 4 PL BL N/C = not counted NG = no gum NH = never hinged OG = original gum ovpt = overprint P = photo in catalogue PC = post card pc = piece PL = plate PL BL = plate block PO = post office pr = pair PRF = proof prop = property P/S = postal stationary reg = registered RPO = railroad post office S = website scan in color SE = straight edge SON = socked on the nose SB = suggested bid s/p = short perf spl cir = split circle sq cir = squared circle S/S = souvenir sheet UL = upper left unused = mint no gum UR = upper right VF = very fine WMK = watermark w/o = without WW = worldwide VLH = very light hinge 25//54 = between catalogue #'s IMPORTANT NOTES BIDS IN $US: Bids in $US are automatically converted to $CDN in our computer at the current rate of exchange. This allows all bids to compete on an equal basis. The converted $US bids are changed back when invoicing occurs. Current rates of exchange will apply. Current rates of exchange vary between $1.36 -$1.39 CDN to buy $1.00 US. VALUE$ column: The prices in the VALUE $ column are catalogue prices unless otherwise stated. An E before the price indicates an estimate of catalogue value, not a suggested bid. SB (suggested bid) before the price is an indication of market value and should act as a guideline for level of bid. ADDITIONAL PHOTOS: There are many more photographs (SCANS) offered on our website that do not appear in the printed catalogue (note the S to right of Lot #). COLOUR PHOTOS: All PHOTO lots and more may be viewed in colour on our Web Site . Many have been scanned showing various details. Members; RPSC . APS . CSDA . CPSGB . PHSC . BNAPS . CPS